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Heavy Weights Low Reps or Light Weights High Reps

Every Surge class includes lots of reps…because we work lots of muscles! This is why we call it high rep weight training. But that doesn’t always mean light weights. We don’t work 1-3 rep max efforts for safety reasons, but we do want to hit that 8-12 rep sweet spot that studies show strengthens and defines muscles and helps prevent injury. ⁣

In fact, most of our weight training moves are done in 3 sets of 8, with additional compound moves in between. ⁣

In this weeks track of the week “Booty Me Down” there are 3 sets of 8 reps of the wide row. Only 8. So go heavy? We superset this move with the deadlift, suitcase squat and narrow row, to give you one spicey back and butt track. ⁣

So what weight should you use?⁣

Use a weight that is challenging, but you can keep good form with. ⁣

The first ½ of a Surge class we use our big muscle groups and compound, functional moves that work multiple muscles at once (ie squats, push ups, dumbbell swings, etc). So, most of the time, you can grab heavier weights for these tracks (ie. Legs, chest, back and butt). Towards the end of the class, when we start to fatigue, we move onto smaller muscle groups (ie. biceps, triceps, shoulders, etc) so we use lighter weights because we don’t have our bigger, stronger, more powerful muscles helping out as much. ⁣

As, always, the choice is yours. It’s your workout. Listen to your body. Choose the weight selection that is right for you. As you get stronger, and more comfortable with each track, your body will crave the challenge. With Surge you never plateau. Your progress is measurable and feelable. ⁣

Walk in strong. ⁣

Walk out stronger together.⁣

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